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Rabbit on prednisone

22 10:20:06

Sorry Dana -  they wouldn't let me do another follow-up and I wanted to correct one thing.  Sadie is 10 yrs old, not 7 and because she's a big breed, he feels like she's too old to survive anesthesia. I'm certainly not considering euthanasia.  She's a fighter and so am I so we're fighting this together as long as she's eating and happy.  Jason says she's writing her own book on bunny care because she keeps fooling him.  Thanks again.

Dear Jo,

Don't worry about those automatic "too many followup" messages AllExperts sends.  I don't know when they started that, but it can be annoying.

Yes, she's up there at 10, but there's no way to know how good or bad a surgical candidate she'd be until she went under.  So let's hope she doesn't have to, and you'll never find out.

As long as she's eating and happy and the pain meds are working, then stay the course.  (And get her to publish that book!)

Take care,
