Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bulge/ Lump on Head near Jaw

Bulge/ Lump on Head near Jaw

22 10:16:04

My female bunny (lion head and satin mix)  has grown a large lump on the left
side of her head near her jaw. It is the size of a golf ball. She has also been
shedding hair like crazy. Do you know what could be causing this?

Dear Stephanie,

It could be a jaw abscess, and it definitely needs the attention of an experienced rabbit vet:

Please also read:


Lionheads are notorious for dental problems, and your bunny is, unfortunately, no exception.  I hope a good rabbit vet will be able to put things right.  But please waste no time getting her there.  This is an extremely painful condition, and though rabbits do not *show* pain until they are nearly dead from it, they definitely *feel* pain.

She needs medication, pain relief, and whatever else the vet deems necessary to resolve this very serious condition.

I hope this helps.
