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my new rabit

22 9:52:59

I just adopted a rabbite but i dont know how to get him use to me and his new home and litter box train it, i also wanna know if its okay to leave it in its cage for a long time if i go out


I am going to give a short answer and point you to a place that can answer all the basics for you, as you really need to cover a lot of ground as a new owner.

First, it will take time for your rabbit to trust you.  He is a prey animal, not a dog or cat, and it takes more time and patience to develop trust with a rabbit.  

Second, it is probably safer right now to leave him in his cage rather than roaming because you probably have not bunny-proofed the room he's in yet.  Besides he needs to get used to his immediate surroundings (cage, room the cage is in) first.

Go to the House Rabbit Society web site (  They have hundreds of articles online (and searchable) on all aspects of rabbit care and behavior.  For a new owner like you it is a critical resource.

They can help you find a good rabbit vet around where you live, and that is very important because not all vets treat/have experience with rabbits.  go here:

to find an HRS recommended vet near you.

I would also pick up the books I mention in my profile information.