Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Appropriate climate/temperature for indoor rabbit

Appropriate climate/temperature for indoor rabbit

22 11:25:21

This is our first winter with our pet rabbit. Her cage is in the mudroom of our house. It is a large room and she gets out quite a bit to run. This room however is not insulated and it does get quite cold in there. Can the rabbit remain in this room for the long cold winter? What are acceptable temperature ranges for house rabbits to endure.


Dear Pam,

Rabbits are most comfortable between about 45 - 75 degrees Farenheit.  They are much less tolerant of heat than humans, and they handle cold better than they handle heat.  Still, freezing temperatures are dangerous for them.

If your mud room gets below about 55 Farenheit, be sure to provide the bunny with a warm box with soft bedding (clean and dry) so he can cuddle up and generate body heat in the box.  Drafts are dangerous, so be sure he's protected.

But if the house itself is in the bunny comfort range, that's certainly the best place:  she can interact with the family and entertain you (and herself) all winter!

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
