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eating greens

22 10:01:47

I have a 6yr old nutered lop eared rabbit.  He used to eat fresh greens all the time and then he just stopped. I have tried lots of different ones but he just won't eat them.  He does eat his regular food and I mix treats in his food dehydrated fruits and veggies.  He is litterboxed trained and I let him out everyday to hop around the house.  also I think he may be losing his eye sight if we close a door somtimes he wants to go back in that room and he runs into the door.  My question is is there something else I can give him to eat that can take place of the greens.

Hi Linell. The greens may be giving him some intestinal discomfort now and he may be smart enough to recognize the problem. Old age does terrible things to us all. You may try giving him a small piece of sweet potato now and then. All of my rabbits love it and it is high in vitimin A just as his greens would be. Another thing he might appreciate is the twigs from an apple tree. Make sure the tree has not been sprayed with insecticides. In the spring they like to have a little bit of blackberry or raspberry leaves and these are good for them. You might want to have him checked by a vet just to make sure that there isn't something going wrong with him that you are not noticing. I don't like the sound of him running into doors. I would have him checked out. :o) Watch how much sweet food he gets. Things like raisins and bananas contain a lot of sugar as does the sweet potato. I don't know if a rabbit can have sugar diabetes but if so that could be a cause for his poor eyesight. Just a thought.   Pat