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Rabbits remating after liter

22 10:01:47

We have two rabbits, which we were told were males.  These are our first rabbits and I have done reading on raising rabbits, etc  We did not recognize the signs that the one was preparing to nest (hair pulled out, carrying hay in the mouth, etc) as to us they were both males.  On 2/1/10 we found 6 baby bunnies in the cage.  One unfortunately died a week later as he was a peanut.  At the time of birth I was not home until the following day, which I started to read more on babies, etc.. The male was not removed from the cage until about 2 days after the babies were born.  Could the mother get pregnant again in these 2 days?  Is there a way to tell?  I have tried to feel, but with her nursing it is hard to tell if she is.  If she did the babies she has now will be 4 weeks old when the new liter is born.  Any recommendations on how to handle this situation.  I am very upset about this as I would have never intentionally had this happen and would have done everything to prevent it.  I am hoping that is not pregnant again but trying to prepare for if she is.  To say the least they will be getting spayed/neuter as soon as possible.  Thank you.

hi sue she could but its unlikely -if she does she will feed the new ones as well as the older ones. but at 4 -5 weeks the older ones should be feeding themselves -if it happens and the older ones are feeding themselves i would put them in another cage together and let the doe feed the new batch accordingly.
one thing -i understand you did not know one was a doe. but a doe when pregnant must always be on her own its a wonder the buck did not kill them as this i'm afraid is quite common when a buck is left with a pregnant doe.