Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > How much can I reduce their ration?

How much can I reduce their ration?

22 10:01:57

We have record snow for the area about 4' in 2 weeks. I only have a few days feed for my outdoor rabbits.  Can I cut their feed in half for a few days without them dying?  Can they die from eating just hay?

Hi Tom, If you have good grass hay, no mold, your rabbits can most definitely live on that. Cut their feed to 1/4 if you must and give them all the grass hay they will eat. It is a good thing for rabbits to have free choice hay all the time anyway. Make sure they have plenty of water. In this cold weather dehydration will cause more trouble than a cut in feed. Rabbits are one of the heaviest drinkers of all livestock, they need to have water at least twice a day. More often if you can. When you rebuild the amount of pellets, do it slowely and continue with the hay. You will have happy bunnies. They love hay. :o)   Pat