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well fed, eat a lot, skinny, shy rabbit

22 11:14:52

My Rabbit is a typical English black and white.  Eats a lot (more than my other rabbits) but is quite skinny and I can feel his bones, he is very shy and picked on by the others so I keep him indoors giving him exercise every day outside.  He does not seem to have worms as I keep looking.  What can you suggest I do if anything please.  Many thanks.

Dear Carol,

You don't say how old he is, but a possibility is renal disease, which can cause wasting.  Please ask your vet to do bloodwork to be sure his organ systems (and especially his kidneys) are working all right.

The vet can do a fecal flotation test on a very fresh poop sample to check for intestinal parasites, which also could contribute to this problem.

If you are *sure* he is eating a lot, then this is something to investigate.

If the bloodwork is all clear, then I would increase his pelleted food until he's at a healthier weight.

Hope this helps.
