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abandoned lop eared baby rabbit

22 10:58:20

hi,i have a young pair of lop eared rabbits who stay outside during the day and inside at night.
2 days ago i let them out of there room and they follow me outside.
whilst i fixed there water and vegies i noticed my 3 year old fox terrier was still inside.
when i came inside she had found one baby that she had found and had carefully carried it out to the lounge room to show me.i could not find where it was born so just put it back in room on blanket and bought doe back in but she is just ignoring is alive after 2 days.
what should i do.
your advice will be very much appreciated.
                  many thanks,

David - I am not sure of what you are telling me - the baby is from your lopeared doe ?  Hoe big is it ? does it have hair , are the eyes open ?  When your rabbits are inside at night are they in a cage ?  IF the kit is from your doe you need to put the doe and the kit in a cage, with a nest box full of dry hay or dry strips of paper - this is so the kit can stay warm.  The doe will feed it once or twice a day.  You can tell if it is being fed by looking at its belly - if you see white through the almost transparent skin it has milk inside.  When they are starving they start to look like prunes - all dried up.  You can let the doe out during the day and bring her into her cage at night - but the buck should go into a separate cage.