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Fur Loss / Revolution

22 11:14:52

You were so helpful a few weeks back in advising me on the proper dosage of Revolution for my pet rabbit Tock.  It worked well, and Tock looked great for about seven weeks.  Then he started losing fur again, so we gave him another dose of Revolution.  All of his fur loss was on his head, so we applied two drops on the back of the neck and two drops midway down his back.  That was ten days ago, and now he is losing fur again.  Will it hurt Tock to give him another dose now?  Also, it appears that he begins to lose fur again whenever we put him in his outside pen (as opposed to his inside cage).  Is it possible that the mites or their nits are in his outdoor pen?  If so, is there anything I can treat his pen with to kill them?

Thank you,
Alan Christian

Dear Alan,

It probably won't *hurt* to give him Revolution again, but it's supposed to last longer than that.  If the pen is problematic, the only thing that will really kill anything out there is to flame it.  No, I'm not kidding.  Use a weed-killer propane flame tank and just sterilized the soil in his pen with fire.  Allow to cool before adding bunny.  ;)
Good luck,
