Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Young rabbit with head tilt

Young rabbit with head tilt

22 10:19:48

First of all thank you for being free! My real question is that I have a bunny she is very young I got her out to day and I noticed that she had her head on a tilt all the time. And she was very nervous so I set her down and she kept on spinning in circles for like 10-15 seconds. This came on very suddenly because I got her out 2 days ago and she was perfectly fine. I am very concerned so please e-mail me as soon as possible.
            Thank you,

Dear Lulu,

I'm happy to help you with advice for free, but unfortunately you are going to have to spend some money at the vet.  Your bunny is suffering from torticollis/wry neck, which can be of several different origins (ear infection, parasites, etc.), each of which requires its own particular treatment, once diagnosed by a competent rabbit vet.  

Please read:


for an overview of this condition, its causes and treatments, and then find a good rabbit vet here:

Get bun to a good vet ASAP:  the sooner treatment is begun, the better her chance of a full recovery.

I hope this helps.
