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Bunny is sick!

22 11:26:45

I just wanted to let you know that we found out what was wrong with HArvey.  He has a bot fly infestation!  Boo-hoo!  The large lumps appeared a day or so later (after I asked you the question).  He has been back to the vet 3 times and we are trying to get rid of all the bots.  He has 7 places and our vet says more may show up in teh next few days.  It's really strange -- I saw a squirrel with a large, tumor-looking lump, on its head a month or so ago -- and this looks the same.  Bunny is inside and on antibiotics and wound care.  he is feeling a lot better and the weakness in his hindquarters is completely gone!  The diarrhea is gone as well.  I hope we can get him through this.  Thank you so much for offering your expertise -- I appreciate it.

Followup To
Question -
We have had our bunny for 1.5 years and he has always been well.  He is an outside bunny with a huge hutch and gets out daily (unless it is raining) with supervision in the yard.  A week ago, I went out to get him out and he had diarrhea and his back legs were very weak.  He tried to hop, but fell over.  He was fine that morning -- hopiing, eating, etc.  We rushed hom to the emergency vet and they tested stool samples (negative -- and have since cultured -- negative again).  They gave him subQ fluids w/ vitamins and sent us home with methianozole (sp?) and Critical care food.  He seemed to perk up after 2 days of treatment, his legs were stronger and the diarrhea was gone.  Then, on Friday, he relapsed.  We called our vet who told us to bring him inside, feed only hay, and let him rest.  He improved.  This morning he was doing great, but tonight, he has a soft stool again and is very weak in his back legs.  he feels like he has lost weight, even though he has been eating and drinking a lot.  Do you see something that we are missing?  My vet and the emergency vet don't seem too concerned, but I am!  thanks for any direction...
Answer -
Sounds like you are doing everything right and I am not sure what to say since you are seeing a vet about this.  Here are a couple of  links to articles that might give you some more information....

If it were me dealing with this I think I would begin treatment for coccidiosis even with a "clean" fecal exam.  Also I would be feeding him yogurt with live active cultures to make sure he has the bacteria he needs in his digestive tract.  Plain is fine, but you can also use the flavored stuff as long as there isn't a high sugar content.  Sugar can make the diarreah worse.  I also replace the water once in a while with the children's rehydrator called Pedialyte.

Hope everything works out for you.


Well, I hope something I said or one of the links led you in the right direction.  I would have never guessed bots.  We had a cat that had a bot larva living under her skin that needed to be pulled out.  I might have thought about it if the lumps had been present, maybe not though.

Thanks for the update.
