Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Head tilt and flickering left eye

Head tilt and flickering left eye

22 9:41:16

QUESTION: My bunny rabbit bumped her head pretty hard two days ago as she jumped out of my arms.
Today I noticed some odd behaviors.
1. Head tilt to the left-Her head tilts to the left slowly as if she is dosing off.
2. Balance loss -She is having a hard time balancing. Walks in circles. It seems like she is drunk; not able to maintain her balance.
3. Flickering left eye -Her left eye ball rolls and flickers. I feel like she is dizzy all the time.
4. No pee or poop - She ate a little hay and water, but significantly less peeing and pooping.
5. Lays down frequently - She never lays stomach down when I am near, but she didn't care even I was petting her.
Please help me and my bunny. She turns one year old on May.

ANSWER: Dear Mina,

It sounds as if your bunny has a concussion, and needs immediate veterinary attention.  The effects of swelling in the brain can be delayed after an injury like this, but they can get worse without proper medication (anti-inflammatory meds, etc.).

Please go here to find a rabbit-savvy vet immediately:

Let them know the situation and that it might be an emergency.  If your bunny continues to go downhill, things could be very bad.  A head injury should never be ignored.

I hope she will be okay.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response Dr. Dana,
I took my bunny rabbit to the doctors and found out that he (it turns out it was a boy) had a mild fracture on his skull. The doctor said that it will take 3-4 weeks to recover. I received two medications: Meloxicam and Meclizine as well as critical care food.
His eye flickering/dizziness seems all gone and slowly gaining back his appetite. He urinates more than he poops, so I am keeping an eye on it.

One concern is his head tilt. The doctor said that the head tilting is from the pain that he is having. I guess by tilting to the left eases the pain a little.
I wanted to ask if the head tilt will go away and come back to normal in a month or so....If you need a photo to see him, please let me know. I will be more than happy to attached a photo to show his condition.
Thank you so much for your time and I will look forward to your response.

Dear Mina,

Only time will tell if the head tilt will resolve.  Physical therapy can help, and you can find information on that here:

But a bunny can live very happily with a head tilt.  She's lucky things were not worse after a fall severe enough to fracture her skull.

I hope she continues to improve.
