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My rabbit has a red eye

22 10:19:12

Just 2 days ago, I realized that my rabbit's right eye is red. It's not bright red or anything, but it's a noticeable red.  I remember petting her one night, and accidentally poked her eye w/ my finger. I don't know if that's the reason for it, but it worries me a bit to see the corner of her eyeball red. Will she be ok?

Another question I have is that my rabbit's nose is wet. When I touched it, I see a bit of water. A few days ago, she sneezes quite a few times, so I thought she might have the snuffles.  Now, she doesn't sneeze anymore, but her nose is a little wet, and the interior is reddish.  Should I be worried?

Thanks for the help in advance. I appreciate it.

Dear Pauline,

The little accidental poke in the eye may or may not have injured her, but a red sclera isn't normal.  I would have a good rabbit vet take a look, to be sure she doesn't have a corneal injury that's causing inflammation of the eye, which is quite painful.  If she has a scratch, there are good ointments that can be used to soothe and heal it, and other things (e.g., atropine, which can work for a short time, even though some rabbits have atropinase) to ease discomfort.

You can find a good vet here:

If your bunny's nasal discharge is clear, then it might not be anything serious.  But do tell the vet, and see whether a culture and sensitivity might be warranted.  Please read:

I hope this helps.
