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Another rabbit just ate a plastic bag

22 10:38:28

I googled "rabbit eatting plastic bag" and found your last posting from someoe.  My rabbit, which is around 6 months old just ate about a 4 inch circle out of a plastic shopping bag.  the thin plastic bags you bring groceries home in.  It is only 2 months with us, my 10 year old loves this only pet she ever had, and she is crying right now knowing it may die.  I left the bag close to the cage so feel just aweful.  Is there anything we can do at this point, but wait and go Monday to the vet?  Any ruffage or lots of water or stop feeding it until we see what happens?  Any suggestions?  I hope you reply soon.

Well, eating plastic bags or any foreign object isn't good, but at least it is a small amount.  

There are some things you can do until you can contact your vet on Monday.

First, keep feeding your bun.  You never want to withhold food from a rabbit.  They always need to have food going through your system.

Make sure you always have hay available for the roughage.  And when you feed vegetables, give them a good rinse with water to add more fluids.  If your rabbit gets pellets, keep offering them.  I don't think you'd want to vary the diet too much at this point.  Some rabbits are sensitive to diet changes, and you don't want to take the chance of adding one more change until you talk to your vet.

Second, be on the lookout for any changes in the poop of your rabbit.  You'll want to be on the lookout for changes in size or consistency.  If they change, they may get small and hard.  And if you see uneaten cecotropes or squishy poop.  Those are all signs of digestive upset.  Those are things that you'll want to mention to your vet.  This site has pictures of normal poop and abnormal poop:

I don't think this is an immediate life threatening situation.  The piece of bag could cause some digestive inbalance, or it may just pass through.

Keep feeding your rabbit and be on the lookout for digestive upset.  Give your vet a call on Monday, and keep snuggling your bun.

Good luck