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overweight rabbit...

22 10:28:13

hi Kareen,
i have one overweight rabbit and i don't know why hes overweight. he gets regular 4 hours exercise outdoors inside a rather large pen. and indoors on the kitchen floor during hot days in the summer and all winter. hes on a basic diet of 1/4 cup of chopped carrots. and 2 cups all day of fortified rabbit diet pellets. he loves treats so when he comes up to me i feed him treats of mostly yogurt drops and alfalfa pellets. is it the treats or his diet. im 15 and i really dont understand. please help me.


Hi Sara,

First of what kind of rabbit do you have? I could help you better to get him on track if I know this because there amount of feed is based on there weight and if he is over weight for his breed then its not going to help. Its his diet and and the treats. My email is and I can give you all the help you need if you dont know his breed send me a picture or find one online if you can we need to get his weight under control cause it can cause death if left un treated.