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two girl rabbits

22 10:43:06

I have a 3 month old female holland lop and today my roommate bought a 3 month old female lionshead/lop rabbit and we tried to introduce them but all they did was fight and the fur was flying. I'm really worried about this,  is there anything we can do?

You'll just have to work more at the introductions.  For many bunnies, it can take awhile before they accept each other.  Each bunny is an individual and some are more territorial and into bunny hierarchy than others.

First thing that will make it easier for them to get along is to make sure both of them are spayed as soon as they are old enough.  It won't be too much longer and they should be old enough for a spay. They can be spayed at 4 months, but some vets may wait a little bit longer.  This will decrease a lot of territorial behavior.  Getting bunnies to get along is much harder when they haven't been spayed.  It' best to wait about a month for the hormones to get out of their system before trying again.

Since they've already fought once, you'll need to start in a slow approach.  

You'll need to have supervised introductions.  Bathtubs/showers are a good size for this.  Be on the alert for any aggressive signs like ears back and tail up.  Have a water bottle handy and a broom, gloves, or someting to separate them with.  Hopefully, in time, they will start to either ignore each other or try to determine who will be top bunny in a less aggressive manner.  In order for them to get along better, someone will have to become top bunny and the other will have to accept it.  Bunnies have hierarchy, there is often an alpha rabbit, and the other rabbits are expected to recognize the status of the alpha.

This article has some good information on ways to bond bunnies, including tips for situations where bunnies absolutely aren't getting along:

Be on the lookout if one rabbit is running back and forth in front of the other rabbit's cage.  This is an aggressive act.  If this happens, sometimes blocking the view of the cage with a sheet decreases the behavior.

Be patient, it may take some time.  These sites have some more tips you can try: