Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pinworm


22 10:43:07

My nephew has pinworm and is being treated.
Can his rabbits get pinworm from him? If so, how can we check if they have it, and how can we prevent them from getting it. They are very close, and they often sleep in his bed.

ANSWER: Dear Cat,

Unfortunately, pinworms are one type of parasite that actually can be shared between humans and rabbits.  And it's usually the child who transmits it to the bunny!  Fortunately, pinworms are not really very harmful--just a nuisance.

You can have your bunny tested by bringing a *very* fresh fecal sample to the vet for fecal flotation.  If it's positive, there are very safe and effective treatments for the bunny.  Don't use any human medication on the rabbit, of course.  Your child might not be getting a medication that's safe for a bunny, and you won't know the right dose, even if it was the same medication.  But you can find a good rabbit vet here:

to make sure all is well.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow, thank you so much for your response!
I had feared that would be your answer. They have an excellent rabbit vet, but they live an hour away and are easily upset by the car ride, and they often stop eating from the stress. Should we keep an eye on them for symptoms, or just bring them in for treatment?
Thanks again,

Dear Cat,

This all depends on how willing your vet is to treat the bunnies, sight unseen.  Revolution (selamectin) is a topical medication that is supposed to be able to kill roundworms, fleas, and mites.  You can get that from the vet to treat the pinworms, if the vet is willing to prescribe it.  

Another possibility is to bring a very fresh fecal sample to the vet for confirmation of the worms, and then ask about treatment.  If the vet still insists on seeing the bunnies (which isn't unreasonable), then you could ask about getting each bunny a very small dose of Valium that will prevent stress and make the trip a breeze for them.

I hope that helps!
