Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > why is my rabbits eye weeping?

why is my rabbits eye weeping?

22 10:29:26

I have a rescued rabbit from a local sanctuary, he is approx 5years old, no teeth and only 3 legs. Quite recently i have noticed that he is losing fur around his eye and has white liquid weeping from it. Could you tell me if this is serious or what it may be.

Hello Jane

Its sounds to me that your bunny has some sort of infection. It can be caused by a number of things such as getting in a fight with another bunny, a sharp piece of bedding scratching the eye or even a bit of dirt.

However if the eye and ears are swollen as well as weeping then it may be a sign of mxymotosis. (A bunny should have his/her jab every 6 months).
Go and see your vet as they will be able to diagnose you bunnies problem.

hope this helps.

good luck
