Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Mini-Rex bunny with crusted poo

Mini-Rex bunny with crusted poo

22 10:32:06

We feed our Mini Rex bunny Purina Rabbit Chow.  He is about 4 months old.  My wife recently got him a "litter pan" to go to relieve himself.  I believe it was after she got that, we noticed that poo started crusting around is anus.  

I read a couple answers on here that said it's probably because he relieves himself in the same place every time but wanted to make sure there weren't any other reasons.  

My wife cleans out his "litter pan" every day.  It has some of those pellets in the bottom to absorb odors and liquid also, so there is maybe only 1/2" clearance between the top of the pellets and where he sits to do his duty.

Should we remove the pellets, remove the "litter pan", clean it out more than once a day or something else?  

Thanks for your help.

Dear Harold,

If the accumulation of poop on his bottom is significant, it's most likely a sign of cecal dysbiosis:

In a rabbit this young, intestinal parasites could be a contributing factor, but the most common cause is incorrect diet.  Please check his diet here:

and make sure he gets lots of grass hay.  If he's not getting that now, then just adding it could make a huge difference to his intestinal health.

If that doesn't help, then you may need to take him to a rabbit-savvy vet for examination, diagnosis and treatment, as necessary:

I hope this helps.
