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found a rabbit in the drive way

22 11:08:50

Hi my name is Avena.
My boyfriend and I found a rabbit this morning. First it was just sitting on the cement not moving and there were some cats around. so my boyfriend got out of the car to make sure it wasn't hurt and after a few hops it surrendered. didn't try to jump out of his arms or anything. so we are not sure if this was a rabbit that was a pet or what . I have a mini rex/Holland lop.. her name is Roxy. I know alittle about rabbits but just to be safe I put "Smokey" in a separate cage. My rabbit "Roxy" is a house rabbit and since I don't know about this one  "Smokey" we named it its gray not sure about the sex or what kind of rabbit yet but I will take her/he to the vet to get checked out.
Any comments will help. She/he is beautiful!!  

It sounds like you are doing the right thing. Once the new rabbit is checked out by the vet, you will still want to wait to weeks to introduce them in case the new one is carrying a contagious disease. Most diseases pop up in two weeks, so you should know by then. If you do plan to keep them together, whether the new one is a male or a female, the best bet would be to get the new one spayed or neutered (and to get Roxy spayed if she is not already). Once they heal from that, their being "fixed" will make the introduction smoother.