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Bunny with mood swings

22 10:59:08

Do you believe it is possible for bunnies to have multiple personality disorder?  

I am bunny-sitting a bun and in the most extreme case she would lick my hands and face and grind her teeth and let me pet her (sign a love..?) then suddenly turn around and thump a lot and will grunt and squeak will I try to reach for her (sign of extreme.. displeasure?).

She also has a problem with using bathroom outside of her cage and she KNOWS she is doing it - when I get up (to do something not related to her) after she has urinated or pooped or both (before I found out) she would run into her her hutch, but when she doesn't do something bad she acts as if me getting up was normal, and I have been pretty consistent with this observation (she doesn't seem to think 1 or 2 fecal pellets is bad so this isn't 100% of the time).

The owner of the bun insists this misbehavior is marking (since she is fully litter-trained inside her hutch and my room isn't big enough for her to "forget"), but its been more than 2 weeks, plenty of time for her to be acclimated to the settings from my experience (I've had two other buns).

Do you have a guess as to what is "wrong" with her?  

Thanks for any help.  

Hi Victor,

there really is nothing 'wrong' with her.  This is typical rabbit behavior.

Is she in your house, or are you sitting for her in her house?  If she is in your house, she will mark more because there is more territory and things to mark.  

She is also female, which means she is very territory-oriented and will mark boundaries and such more than a male might.

Further, she knows you aren't her true owner.  It is wonderful she trusts you to pet her and gives you teeth grinds/purrs and kisses, which tells me she is happy with your pets and reciprocates back.  However she does not trust you enough to be happy with you trying to pick her up.  Apparently with her you can pet her but not pick her up without causing her to thump and grunt in protest at what you are trying to do (and that is what grunting and thumping mean in this case).

But in short, this is not abnormal.  Most rabbits that trust you will let you pet them and they will enjoy it.  And most rabbits don't like getting picked up, so her reactions to you trying to pick her up are normal.

Put down extra pans in the areas she seems to want to mark excessively around your room.  If that means two or three in the room, do it.  She may stop marking in one or more as time goes on.  You can put towels down underneath if you think she'll pee outside of them.

You should also praise her for using the pans when she does, and do a "No, <name>" when she pees outside of a pan while out playing.  She knows what "no" means.
