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poisonous flowers??

22 11:05:07


----------------------So is its ok that they eat them i the summer then?---------------------
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Hi Dana,
I was just wondering, my bunnies got into my garbage and ate one of my daisies that i had thrown in the garbage that were all wilted. I read on a website that had a list of a million flowers that were poisonous for rabbits. They didnt eat a lot just the top. Are they going to be alright? What can i do if it makes them sick. I am so worried.
Dear Amanda,

Daisies aren't poisonous, and though it's not great for the bunnies to nibble on commercially grown florist flowers (loaded with pesticides!) I really doubt that they will suffer any lasting harm from a few nibbles.

Keep an eye on them for any sign of trouble with this:

But I'm sure they'll be just fine.  

Hope that helps!


Dear Amanda,

Nibbling a little bit of daisies is not likely to do harm.  But do note that many members of the daisy family (Asteraceae) produce compounds designed to deter herbivores.  There are many different species of Asteraceous flowers that people call "daisies," and not all are equally palatable.  Chamomile, for example, is perfectly safe.  But chrysanthemums of any type (and there are many, and they're in that same family) are not recommended, as they contain toxic pyrethrins.

If the daisies have a strong, somewhat noxious smell, it's possible that they should be avoided, as they might have compounds that--in large quantities--would not be great for a bunny to ingest.  But little nibbles are not likely to be a problem.

Hope that helps.
