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My pet rabbit behavier

22 10:30:01

Dear Sir,
 I have a mini lop pet rabbit approximately 4 months old, living with me in the home.  She is making a noise like a pig when she come near me or when she see me, so what is telling me ?? also in some time i see her eat her feces ??


Hello Abrahim !
Well the sounds your rabbit is making are normal sounds.
But they mostly make them when they are  scared or anxious or excited. they also make that noise when they do not want to be messed with. or when they are ready to breed.
As for eating their droppings. its normal for them to eat thier eairly morning droppings its called cophography. and they get benificial enzimes from it that help them digest the days food.
Don`t worry its gross  but they need it.
Good luck with you rabbit...
Dan Vallo