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preg. rabbit

22 11:14:54

I asked this question before.  But I am new at this.  I believe my rabbit is preg. It has tittys that are getting bigger and she is shaking(nervous) all the time.  It is moving all the shavings into one corner, I put a small cardboard box in the bag for nesting. It is tearing it up and placing it in a corner.  How will I know if it is in labor and about to deliver.  It was exposed about 3wks ago.  How many do rabbits have at one time. And is there anything that I can do to help her.

hi tiffany-give her plenty of hay to make a nest and she should have babies between 28-32 days from mating.
justfeed and water as usual she will do the rest but 24 hrs prior to giving birth she may start and pluck hair from her chest-this is normal
dave.dont be in a hurry to see the babies as you may frighten her.