Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sudden urinary incontinence/no obvious signs ofdiscomfortf

sudden urinary incontinence/no obvious signs ofdiscomfortf

22 9:52:16

My mini rex approximately 4.5 years old has used a litter box and has peed and mostly pooped in his box for the last 3 years. He has recently started peeing on the furniture,the floor and me.
I have picked him up quickly and placed him in his home where his litter box is.
My question is:  Is he to old to be neutered?  I understand that a neutered bunny is less likely to spray urine or should I try a different strategy?

Dear Marilyn,

Your boy is not too old to be neutered, as long as the vet feels he is a good candidate for surgery after a thorough wellness check (possibly including bloodwork).  But the main question is:  why all of a sudden?  Have you made any recent changes to the home?  New pet?  Visitor?  New carpet or other furniture?  These could cause him to become territorial and mark things.

Alternatively, there could be a medical reason for his unusual urination, and you'll want the vet to treat anything like that first, to be sure this would not compromise him for any elective surgery (e.g., neutering) you might plan for the future.  You can find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

Hope this helps.
