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Rabbie Penis

22 9:57:13

Hello, i was cleaning out my rabbit and noticed that he has a white spot on his penis. what could thisbe? there was an earwif in there could it be from that or is it more serious?


in all seriousness, I don't know.  To be on the safe side, I always recommend taking your rabbit in to your regular, good rabbit vet.  Make sure to check his urine output in his litterpan, that he is drinking normal and his output is normal, in the meantime.  But I would really want to check with a rabbit vet to make sure he's normal, so that you can be assured he's either okay, or be relieved you brought him in and found a legitimate issue that needs attention.  Either way your knowledge will increase and your bunny will get a good wellness exam.  Make sure you bring this to your vets' attention though as most don't spend a great deal of time looking in their vent area, any more than necessary.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet around you (not all vets are) go here: