Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with small black bald patch

rabbit with small black bald patch

22 10:49:07

My rabbit is 10 weeks old, it is healthy, eating and drinking.  it has a small bald circle that is black on pink skin.  you cant notice it till u flick the fur its about the size of a 10p coin.  it isnt scratching it and doesnt look as if its got dandruff, could it be a birth mark or something?

Dear Emma,

It may be that the bunny lost some fur in that spot, and is now growing the fur back.  A bald patch will usually start out pink, and then darken as the new hairs develop in the skin and start to grow out.  If you think this might be abnormal fur loss, please see:

and find a good rabbit vet here to help you:

Hope that helps!
