Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bumps on my rabbits neck

bumps on my rabbits neck

22 9:53:40

My rabbit is only 6 months old but i have noticed he has a two bumps on his neck, one on both sides. The one is tiny and i think it is going away but the other is bigger. it hasn't been there for very long and i have been checking everyday to see if there has been any change. i don't see anything when i move his fur to look at it it is just kind of hard under the skin. My first thought is that he scratched himself because he needs his nails clipped and wont let me do it. Could that be what it or could it be something dangerous

Dear Heather,

This information isn't much to go on, and without seeing him I cannot diagnose what it might be.  It could be an abscess, a fibroma, an insect bite, or even a botfly warble, to name just a few possibilities.  But no way to know without seeing it.

If you are concerned, then you can find a good rabbit vet here:

to examine it in person and diagnose it.  Proper treatment can then be prescribed, if necessary.

I hope this helps.
