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Depressed rabbit?!

22 9:46:13

My rabbit is about 2 years old he has always been a happy,energetic and curious bunny. But recently he has been reluctant to do anything,he shows little interest in anything and he just sits down in a corner, sometimes he can sit in a corner of his run for over an hour.Although he does drink and eat regularly. Is my rabbit experiencing any emotional or physical disturbance? Should i buy im another rabbit to keep him company? Please help it would be much appreciated.

Dear Lauren,

I would rule out a medical reason for his change first.  Please read:

and find an experienced rabbit via the listings linked here:

The vet will be able to determine whether there is a health problem causing this.  If all else is unchanged, that's the most likely explanation, and the sooner it's treated, the better.

I hope this helps.
