Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit has had this sneezing snuffles for a long time the vet put him on a antibiotiotic for two weks i dont know what to do

my rabbit has had this sneezing snuffles for a long time the vet put him on a antibiotiotic for two weks i dont know what to do

22 11:25:23


Dear Picky,

I think the following two articles will help:

and especially:

It's possible that the bacteria causing your bunny's upper respiratory infection are not sensitive to the antibiotics you're using.  (What is the name of the medication?)  If that's the case, then a culture and sensitivity test will help tremendously.

Also, sneezing can sometimes be caused by dental problems, which you can read more about here:

If you don't feel your present vet is very experienced with rabbits, you might be able to find a vet who is more familiar with rabbit medicine here:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
