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Bales of hay

22 9:45:03

I have 2 rabbits and I spend a ton of money
On hay so I wanted to ask if I go to a nursery or feed
Store and get a big bale of hay from there, is that
Hay okay for them?

Thank you

Hi Jennifer,

We encounter the same issue with the price of hay since we feed 50+ rabbits each day, we buy it by the square bale and often find it from either local farmers (if they have any to spare) or from Craigslist.  The hay that is acceptable to feed to rabbits is alfalfa or Timothy hay, grass hay is OK too but they often don't eat it as well.  Hay is an important part of their diet in order to prevent hairballs (which they can't "cough up" like a cat) and to keep their gut healthy, but the kind of hay doesn't matter as much as getting them the extra roughage in their diet.  We like to feed second or third cutting alfalfa since it's leafy and the rabbits really like it, and in our area we can get it for about $4-5 a bale.  Best wishes!