Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Spikey bumps on edge of rabbits ear

Spikey bumps on edge of rabbits ear

22 10:49:07

Hello,my male rabbithas just turned one and lately i have noticed bumps of a grey colour around the edge of his outer ear(not inside). They feel quite spikey and flakey, they do not seem to be botehring him and he is a happy and healthy rabbit. Are they anything to worry about?
Thanks Linda

Dear Linda,

Although I can't see the crusties, this does sound like the beginnings of mange, which should be treated immediately before it can develop into a really nasty problem.  This is caused by parasitic mites, and these are easily and safely treated with Revolution/Stronghold (selamectin) from your rabbit-savvy vet.

You can read more here:

and find a good vet here:

Hope this helps!
