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Kits in a litter

22 11:11:44

When our rabbit had her first litter, she had only three.  She just had a second litter and had ten!  All were well formed and good sized except one, same with her first litter. We expected more the second time around but not this many.  How many kits, on average, do rabbits have?  

Litter amounts really depend on the breed and size of the does that are having them. Dwarf breeds tend to have less usually between 1-4, but i have saw them have as many as 7-8. Medium to large breeds, have bigger litters usually around 8-9. And Giant breeds usually have large litters of 10 or more. I have a New Zealand doe that always has about 13-14 kits a litter. A netherland dwarf doe that always has 6 no matter which buck i breed her to, and Then one Netherland dwarf doe that only has one kit per litter. Sizes vary time to time, you just have to get to know your doe/does and their usual size to know what to expect.
I forgot to mention, the time of day, length they are together, and how many times they actually breed all can affect the litter sizes too.