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Kit w/ a cut

22 10:30:14

Two weeks ago this Sunday, I was sitting on my porch when I noticed a rabbit run past, screaming, with a dog hot on her heels.  I jumped up and managed to scare the dog, while the rabbit remained flattened to the ground.  I picked her up gently and she didnt struggle.  I held her while a friend found a box and she was calm, even eating carrots out of our hands.  I decided I would keep her and contacted a rescue to see about getting her examined, neutered/spayed and given her shots. I came home after work a week later (Monday April 28) and went to give her greens and fresh water and she was stretched out as usual, munching on some hay, but I noticed some clumps of fur.  Knowing nothing about rabbits, I thought that my cats, who previously showed no interest in her, had been bothering her.  I looked in her box, and saw that it was filled with hair, so I lifted it up and to may great surprise there were 5 babies!  Ive spent the last 4 days stressing about coming home and finding that she has eaten the babies, because she appears young, I didnt know she was pregnant, so she probably kindled with cats nearby and in a new home.  Last night I came home and there were only four babies and I noticed that another has a, comparitively, large cut on his leg.  The kit with the cut is a lot more red than the others and is very hot to the touch, which I can only assume is an infection.  Is there anything I can do? Can I take the kit to the vet? When I bring the kit home will the doe reject it? Also, the fifth kit, which I thought she had eaten, was found this morning, completely seperated, yet buried and covered with fur in an area far from the others.  Why would she do this? When I found it, I put it with mom and she let it nurse, then I put it back with the others. Do you know whats happening with this?  I would really appreciate any help you could possibly offer!


hi -get the kit checked out by a vet -i dont think the mother did it .
the one on its own is a strange one but putting it back with the others was the right thing to do.
usually when babys come out the nest the doe's ignore them and will not put them back.