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URGENT!!!! Rabbit with possible gunshot wound.

22 9:59:15

While I was outside cutting my grass I found a rabbit in my back yard. It was dragging both legs. I couldn't just leave it there so I had the neighbor get it and put it in a large tub. It looks like it got hit with a BB gun. I tried cleaning the wound with alcohol and put some cotton balls with medical tape around to keep it dry. I also put some hay down with an old sheet to try and keep it warm just in case of shock. We cant afford a vet right now so I was wondering if there is anything I can do at home to save his life.

Dear Jenna,

You are kind to take care of the bunny.  But you don't mention whether this is a wild or a domestic rabbit.  If it's a wild rabbit, please go here:

to find a local wildlife rehabilitator who can take the rabbit and give him proper care.  If he can be released, that's his best hope.

I wish I could tell you there's something to do without a vet, but this is a very serious injury, possibly requiring antibiotics.  A human with a gunshot wound doesn't treat this at home.  You go to an emergency room.  Same for the bunny.

I hope you will be able to get him either to a rehabber or a vet:

for proper care, or...and I don't like to think this...humane euthanasia if there is really no hope for recovery.

Good luck, and thank you for your kindness.  Even if he must be euthanized, it's a better way to go than being eaten alive by a predator if he'd been left outside.

Take care,
