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Rabbit cannot use hind legs

22 10:48:28

Six days ago I went to check on my rabbit and she couldn't hop. It seemed
like her left back leg was hurt and she couldn't use it. She was either walking
on all fours or holding up the leg when she hopped. I took her to the vet that
day and he did not feel any breaks so he gave her some sort of steroid shot
to help the muscle because he thought it was a sprain. The next day she was
not better and the day after that she seemed to be worse and was dragging
both of her back legs behind her. I took her back to the vet and he took an
xray and everything looked perfect so we know it is not a bone problem. Now
its been two more days and she seems worse. I don't know what is wrong
with her, please help.

Dear Ashley,

Gradual onset of hind limb paresis in rabbits is a sign of Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a parasite that infects the kidneys and central nervous system.  Please share this with your vet:

and also read this:

The sooner the bunny is put on Panacur (fenbendazole), the better chances of recovery.  Also please read:

If your vet is not a rabbit expert, please find a rabbit expert vet here:

as these are the vets who will know what to do to help your bunny as quickly as possible.

I hope this helps.
