Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny chewing EVERYTHING

bunny chewing EVERYTHING

22 11:32:48

We have had our bunny for almost a year.  We have tons on things out for him to chew on - hay, papertowel rolls, boxes.  But he (has been fixed) still chews on everything - including the fabric on the chair, wood floor molding, carpet, even chewed his way out of his plastic cage.  I don't want to get rid of him but I don't want him to continue to damage things.

HELP!   Thanks!  

Have you tried a metal cage, or a metal pen?  There is an article that talks about setting them up in a pen at  I've done this before and it works well, you can get dog pens and keep them restricted to an area.

The whole problem is that bunnies' teeth grow throughout their lives, and the way they wear them down is to chew.  So you have to restrict him to an area that has things he is allowed to chew on.

If you haven't tried this solution, you might, and save your furniture and your carpeting.  
