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My cute rabbit

22 10:03:48

I bought my rabbit on the 29 December 2009.She was fine and healhty too.She lived in a small cage.So i asked my dad to make a bigger cage.Suddently she poop watery.So my mom asked me to give him medicine for poop watery.The medicine is human.The next day he still poop watery so we gave her it again.Then she was fine and healhty again.Her butt was dirty and her paw too.So we took her a bath at the evening.We took her outside and wash her butt and her paw.Then we dried her with the towel and also hair dryer.She was already dry.Then we gave her a bigger cage and clean it.Also we put newspaper instead of the hay.We put her outside.The next day she died.I was so sad because i always take care of her everyday.Do you know why she die?Please help me!

Dear Tiffy,

I am very sorry about the loss of your bunny.  Sadly, this is very common in baby rabbits who are weaned too young to leave their mother.  Please read this:

for an explanation of what probably happened. Also note that human medications should never be given to rabbits unless a qualified veterinarian directs that it be done.  Many medications safe for humans can be deadly to rabbits.  I hope you can find a good rabbit vet via the international listings here:

if you ever have another bunny.  If you do, please visit:

for all the best information on proper care and feeding, so that you don't suffer this kind of tragedy again.  It's very important to be sure the bunny you get is old enough to leave his mother.  Many baby rabbits for sale are too young, because that's when they are cutest and sell best to unsuspecting buyers.  But they are little tragedies waiting to happen, as you learned the hard way.  I am very sorry.

Take care,
