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Rabbit skin condition - bumps

22 9:37:31

I have a question about my rabbit's apparent skin condition. She is a 6 year-old spayed female Rex, mostly black with some white fur.  I adopted her 1.5 years ago from a private party. She is of healthy weight, very friendly, and has an excellent appetite for timothy hay and occasional fresh vegetables. She appropriately plays with and chews on safe toys provided.
About two months ago, I noticed she had some raised areas on various places of her skin. They are the same color as her skin. They appeared on her flanks and sides and do not appear to be tender. They don't exactly flake off when she is brushed (and she loves to be brushed), but they do come off with gentle fur plucking. The texture is mostly hard, somewhat leathery.  They went away in about a week and I just noticed yesterday that they have returned in a different area - one small patch on her cheek and another area on her back. Same description.
They don't seem to match any of the descriptions or pictures I've read about on vet sites or HRS. Any ideas?
I will take her to the vet should these arise again but am open to options until that time.

Dear Maggie,

A few types of mites seem to create little scabby lesions like this.  I've seen them on our jackrabbits, and--very rarely--on our domestic rabbits.  They do away with treatment with Revolution (selamectin).

But yes, I would suggest you have a good rabbit vet take a look next time you see these little bumps, just to be sure they are benign.
