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Lactulose use when shedding

22 9:52:10

My 4-pound boybun has had repeated bouts of GI shutdown when he's shedding, despite daily brushing and being on a "perfect" rabbit diet with plenty of fresh hay given 3 times daily.  I've been giving him a once-daily prophylactic dose of 0.5 ml of lactulose during shedding, as my vet said would be OK, and it usually prevents his problems.  This seems to be the minimum effective dose.  Do you think I need to give him subcutaneous fluids at this dose, and do you think I can safely give him slightly more if needed?  He gets two big, wet salads daily and is a good water drinker.  I've heard you discuss lactulose use before and am wondering if you still currently recommend it.  Why do I hear negative remarks about its use?  Thanks so much for your expert advice.


Dear Wendy,

The only problem I know of with regular use of osmotic laxatives is that they can interfere with the body's ability to properly absorb micronutrients and electrolytes in the intestine.  They also can draw liquid from the tissues into the GI tract, but if bun is well hydrated, this shouldn't present a problem.

If this regiment is working for your bunny and your vet thinks it's fine, I would agree.  
