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No life in hind legs

22 9:50:16

Hi Dana

I came back from work today to find my angorra mix Fluffy (year and a half) laying in his hutch, and although seemed interested in food given, would not get up. I lifted him up to have a closer look and his hind legs are motionless (he would normally not like to be handled if he can help it)

I bought him in and he just does not seem to have any life in his hind legs, but seems okay on his front (seen him clean supported on one front leg) I put some grass, dandilions and hay in front and he happily ate alot of it. Very alert, ears pricked up, eyes bright, no head tilt, ears clean inside from what I can see (though I know things can be found alot deeper) its just really worrying me what could be causing this 'paralysis'.

I'm guessing when I take him to the vet first thing tomorrow they will say E Cuniculi. I'm already treating my other bunny Cookie for an abscess on her jaw by injections - resulting in abnormal incisors AND 3 molars being removed already. I just wonder what I am doing wrong, please can i have some advice as to whether you have experienced this and any pointers would be really great on hopefully treating Fluffy?

Many thanks


Dear Tracey,

Please read this immediately:

and especially the link to the overview by Dr. Susan Brown.

I'm glad you know to take him to the vet ASAP, as time could be of the essence if this is from a traumatic injury.

I hope he will make a good recovery.
