Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Confusion over medication dosage.

Confusion over medication dosage.

22 9:50:16

Under the "emergency sick rabbit instructions" link on this page it says if the rabbit's tummy is making loud gurgles it could be gas and that 1-3 cc of pediatric simethicone can be given.  Within several hours of eating his greens last night my mini lop started huddling in the corner and acting uncomfortalbe and ill.  This was followed by the loud gurgling sounds as described under the sick rabbit instructions.  By this time it was late at night and I gave the bunny 0.1 ml of Metacam that was prescribed during a prior illness to reduce any pain and got some pediatric simethicone.  The dosage on the box for children up to 2 years/24 pounds was 0.3 ml.  I used an online calculator to convert the cc to ml and it showed 1 cc = 1 ml which was a big difference from the box directions.  I decided to err on the side of caution and give the lower dosage of 0.3 ml. About an hour after taking the meds the bunny ate some pellets and seemed to be doing much better and has been acting normal all day today.  Could you please confirm the correct dosage in ml for the simethicone in case it should be needed again.

Thank you.

Dear Pat,

Simethicone suspension is quite inert, and even a pretty big "overdose" is not going to do lasting harm.  It also doesn't take very much simethicone to break up gas.  So either dose is probably fine.  We've gone both ways, and there doesn't seem to be a significant difference.  (The simethicone dosage is pretty loose.)  But I'm confused:  are you asking about metacam dosage, or simethicone?

P.S. - one cubic centimeter does equal one milliliter