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weird diarrhea.

22 10:17:53

Hi Dana this is Elisabet, i wanna ask about my bun. i think she is 4 months now, and just a month ago, i suspect she had coccidia(i have asked you before), and i consult with a vet and she told me to give her bactrim. so i give her bactrim for 2 weeks full. and the day after she got coccidia, she started get diarrhea, so i give her kaopectat along with bactrim. she's still with me now, i stopped all the med already. she lost a lot of weight back then but now she started gain weight. she got her appetite back, her poop already formed even it still kinda soft and i saw some of the poop had gel stuck on it. but i read that bunny could imun from coccidia, at what age they could? and should i keep giving her med or not? and every morning she got diarrhea and smelly, but at noon till night her poop is okay. i don't change anything in her diet, but she hates timothy hay. well she slept with me in my bed, usually she snuck into my neck (she's so cute when sleeping). but the very morning it will be an unpleasant experience...please tell me...thanks ooh and can i give her a pineapple juice to prevent a hairball (she's a angora)? but with her condition i'm thinking more before i give her that, kinda worried because lately she's grooming herself more than she usually did.

Dear Elisabet,

Please read this for complete information on causes and treatment of runny stool in rabbits:

Unless coccidia was positively diagnosed via fecal exam by a rabbit-savvy vet who can tell the difference between yeast and coccidia (and believe it or not, there are lots of vets who *can't* tell the difference), then I'd want a confirmation that there was coccidiosis.

Coccidia are best treated with toltrazuril these days.  The sulfa drugs take forever to work on them, and not always very effectively.  Toltrazuril works after three treatments, though we usually give five just to be sure.

I hope this helps.
