Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Why is my male rabbit aggressive torwad my female rabbit

Why is my male rabbit aggressive torwad my female rabbit

22 9:50:22

I got my rabbits about a week ago so there prob around 2 months or so. I have a female rabbit and a male rabbit and they have to separate cages. The male rabbit is a Dutch Rabbit and my female is sold white with pink eyes but she is really furry. when im cleaning out the cage or putting more food in ones cage ill put the rabbits together. My male rabbit will chase and nip at my female rabbit, but he hasn't always done this. So what do you think is going on?

Dear Tess,

Are both rabbits spayed/neutered?  If not, then you're courting disaster. Please see:


Both should be spayed/neutered as soon as old enough.

Rabbits, like any animal (including humans), have likes and dislikes when it comes to their own species.  It could be that the female is rejecting his sexual advances, and so he's frustrated and chasing her out of anger.  If they are spayed/neutered, then this could simply be a case of "I don't like you", and you'll have to be more careful about bonding them before they can stay together safely:

In any case, don't let him torment the female.  Keep them separate while you're cleaning until you can make sure they are friends, and certainly not until there's no danger of pregnancy.

Hope this helps.
