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Injured rabbit while mating

22 11:10:50

Hi, I have a problem here. While my rabbits are trying to mate, the does run away from the buck, why is that so? and he also accidently injured the does ear? How do I treat the does ear? Please help. Thanks

Hi Dewi,

I'm not going to be able to help you that much because I don't have enough info from you. From what you have written it does not sound like you have a lot of experience with bonding rabbits or mating them.  

The doe is running away from the buck because of a dominance/sexual issue that needs to be settled.  

You say the ear is injured, but say nothing about what kind of injury it is.  Therefore I can't tell you what to do, other than get your doe to a vet as soon as possible for proper treatment.

I would suggest doing some reading and education before attempting to breed/bond rabbits.  I would actually recommend not breeding at all as there is a serious rabbit overpopulation problem in America and over 40,000 rabbits that were once 'wanted' are euthanized every year.

The House Rabbit Society ( has great articles on rabbit behavior, introducing two rabbits together, dominance issues like you are seeing, and basically all aspects of rabbit care.  I hope you can find some time to go there and utilize its vast resources.
