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Care, i guess

22 11:35:45

we just got a baby rabbit and when we got him his one ear wouldn't go up. We thought maybe it's just because he hasn't grown into his ears but his other ear works good - like when he's interested in something, his ear perks up. why is it that the one ear won't go up.
what are some things that he could chew on? and why doesn't he like people holding him? thanks

Hello jess

If one ear is up and one ear is down he is a cross between a normal and a lop eared rabbit this is normal unless he isnt crossed with a lop eared rabbit. Rabbits dont like to be held and will kick when held you can offer him treats from your hand and talk in a calm low voice to get him tame and pick him up and place him on your lap every now and then but in genral rabbits do not like to be held.