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Finding a Female and Breeding

22 11:16:36

My sister just bought two male bunnies, one cashmire lop and the other we don't know what it is. I want to get a female to breed to her lob but don't know exactly what a good lob female looks like.

I also want to know how old they have to be and how to go about breeding them.

Another side question, how big of an indoor cage should I get for the one female? And do the girls need special treatment?

hi kate -find a breeder of cashmere lops and ask him to sell you a decent one, dont buy from a pet shop
breeding starts at 5 months
when mated the doe has to be on her own,28-32 gestation and she will need plenty of straw to make a nest.
get a cage as big as you can accomodate.