Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Not eating much of his food and Color change around my rabbits nose

Not eating much of his food and Color change around my rabbits nose

22 9:52:50

Dr Dana,

My rabbit hasn't been himself today he is only eating a little of his food and wont come out of his cage when he always is happy and ready to come out.  The color around his nose has changed to a brownish color and it was a little wet,  i took a picture of it please let me know if i could send it to you and you could look at it for me? im just worried if there could be something wrong?

Thank You

Dear Jennifer,

As my instructions clearly state, behavior like this should be considered an emergency, and the internet is NOT the place to seek help when a bunny is acting sick and not eating.  My instructions also direct you to read this:

and find a rabbit vet here:

I hope you went back and found those instructions, and have gotten your bunny to a good vet for treatment.
