Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit in the Dark? Rabbit Outside?

Rabbit in the Dark? Rabbit Outside?

22 10:53:36

is it ok  to leave your rabbit in the dark

and can you make it a cage outside in the backyard

Dear Daniella,

Like any animal, rabbits need normal day and night cycles to stay mentally and physically healthy.  A rabbit kept in the dark all the time will soon become sick and extremely unhappy.  To keep a rabbit in the dark all the time would be extremely cruel, and I know you would never do this.

Rabbits can live in outdoor hutches, but it is much safer and healthier for them to live indoors.  Please read these  articles to find out why:

I hope that helps with your bunny's care.  Please visit for all the best, most accurate information on the care, feeding and housing of your rabbit.

Good luck,